Saturday, January 12, 2008

Creative Non-Fiction

I find myself sitting by my notebook from this past semester of school. There is a bulleted list of items, I find myself with a large number of bulleted lists.

-311 is playing on the radio.

I don't think a list of one is really a list. A list also needs a controlling theme, mine rarely fill these qualifications, I think what I have are just many statements. I'm confortable with that.

One of my statements reads: Creative Non-Fiction.......Bullshit?

This is a statement I can think about and likely stand behind. It seems to me that anything to do with creativity when it comes to truth would be considered Bullshit, or a lie. Along this line though one has to consider that all human experience is a matter of perspective. I was walking through the mall with some friends earlier and saw a poster for a movie called "Vantage Point" whose tag line is "8 people, 8 perspectives, 1 truth." It's the first I've heard of the movie, but perhaps I should see it as a piece of research into truth itself. I think it can be said that if two people witness an event, they will always have different opinions on what happened, and regardless of how many of the differences can be meted out through agreement and communication a difference will still remain.

Perhaps this is why there is so much conflict and so many wars.

I don't have much else to say today, have a good night everyone.

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