Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm Back

Some would say I never left, but I suppose it's all a matter of perspective.

There is a fly in my house and my cat is attempting to catch it. I've never seen my cat more bothered by anything in its life, clearly catching this fly is serious business. She has followed it into and through at least 5 different rooms without sucess so far. A part of me hopes she never catches it because this seems to be taking up a lot of her time usually reserved for pissing me off.

I've been working on a new story of late and with any luck it will be done soon.

In coming back I read my last post, something about not posting something that would be offensive to someone else, I can't imagine what that could have been or why on earth I wouldn't have latched onto the opportunity to embarass someone, now it's lost forever. I won't lie, I'm a little mad at myself.

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