Monday, June 18, 2007


I really just want everyone to know how much restraint I showed today. I thought of something that would be really funny to post online in a public setting, something which would no doubt have made a great many people laugh, but something which would also be offensive to someone I know and I chose NOT to post it just so they didn't cry themselves to sleep and have everyone think less of them. Maybe that doesn't really make me all that good, but I think it at least makes me not-quite-so-bad for the day.

In other news, although I am not in any particularly dire need of money I have decided to sell some of my posessions for the good of humanity, I will be creating a listing every day or so with something I own and prices will be extremely affordable, the listings will be found in the Temple Network of Facebook, that's right I finally found a facebook feature I enjoy. Today's listing is already up so happy bargain hunting!

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