Thursday, June 14, 2007


Before a trip to 7-11 I had been under the delussioned impression that my day could not improve any further, however Frito-Lay, genius producers of Doritos have managed to outdo themselves with the creation of their new flavor "X-13D" and I know what you're thinking "hey, that sounds like a robot from Star Wars, but you'd be wrong, because this tastes far worse than a robot.

The flavor is listed as some sort of mystery, but my roommate had already reported to me that they actually taste of burger. I decided to put it to the test, with over three dozen ingredients, none of them coming from any sort of animal I thought this would be a massive accomplishment. I was correct. I smelled the bag as I opened it, it smelled more like a pungant garbage can than a burger, but I decided to persevere. I took a bite and did indeed instantly recognize the flavor and I will fully admit, I was a little impressed.

These chips do not taste like burgers, they taste almost EXACTLY like McDonald's hamburgers, complete with Pickles, that tomato-esque sauce and meager diced onions. There's even a little bit of flavor that tastes like McDonald's hamburger bun. That being said the flavor isn't neccessarily pleasurable and probably could be likened in a way to licking the side of either R2-D2 or C3PO, but nevertheless I am impressed that Frito-Lay ingenuity would be able to concoct such a precise replica using only vaguely edible chemicals. Frito-Lay is also oferring up the opportunity for its customer base to name the flavor themselves by way of online submission. I really wanted to submit something that reflected my view that the level of genius it took to make this disgusting potato chip flavor could have been applied to curing HIV or cancer. That being said I couldn't think of anything appropriate, so I just submitted the name "Tastes like AIDS" and left it at that, perhaps X-13D or R2-D2 is better though...

Speaking of robots though and given my recent facebook post this is relevant. I recently received an invitation to a "Zombies vs Robots" party. The idea being that people will dress as either Zombies or Robots, the girl who's throwing the party is pretty cool and of a relatively high intelligence, I just want to say that before my next statement.

What a retarded party idea. I've seen Pirate vs Ninja parties and they work well, because everyone knows pirates and ninjas hate each other, plus both of those costumes are pretty easy to come up with using household least, if you're me. Zombies vs Robots however.....I mean, I can't even think of a motivation behind such a conflict, plus for every bit as cool as pirates and ninjas are, zombies and robots are equally as lame. Finally, I want to know who in their right mind is going to actually assemble a Robot costume AND wear it for the night?

That being said I imagine the party will turn into a giant fest of fake blood and ripped clothing with not a robot in sight and you know what....I'm fucking down for that.

Have a good night everyone!

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