Thursday, June 7, 2007

Updated Regularly

So, I had intended upon taking a month off when my birthday came. In the end I suppose I took closer to three. Regardless I am now back, it's been a good three months and I've had my fair share of new experiences, so hopefully I can impart some of the lessons I have learned to this 'internet' everyone keeps blabbing about. This morning however I am going to make myself some breakfast.

My breakfast this morning shall consist of some scrambled eggs, bacon, lightly toasted bread with butter and a handful of sliced mushrooms. I find that most mornings I have little time for breakfast, I have to be at work by 7:30 and usually have just enough time for a shower before I throw my clothes on and head out the door. I am a firm believer that when a person has the chance they should make themselves a large and hearty breakfast, there is a sense of accomplishment inherent in all cooking and I think that breakfast is really something which can set the tone for a day, I want today to be productive since I am hoping to write a number of pages for one of the two written works I am currently in the process of creating. Of course, it's also possible that this is all bullshit and no amount of breakfast will have me writing productively today, but we'll see.

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