Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thank the Heavens

So like most of collegic America I am in posession of a facebook profile, I was lucky enough to acquire one with the face of a pretty cool lookin' dude holding a bottle of Captain Morgan's Rum. For referrence anyone who wants to facebook me I'll give you a couple of clues, Temple network, first name Trev, and I just described me picture to you. Good Luck. Anyway I was looking around today at the new applications you can add to your facebook, presumably so you can communicate with your friends so well online that you never have to see them in person.

I'm not saying I'm against this, I mean, I can think of tons of my 'friends' who I'd rather not have to see. Anyway back to the matter at hand, I discovered one called "SGO", like most Americans I am enthralled by the concept of acronyms and needed to know more, so I read the description: "Finally you can express your sexual orientation and gender identity accurately."

Fantastic. That had really been worrying me. I promptly took a look at it and found out not only EXACTLY what gender I am (Male) but ALSO exactly who I'm sexually oriented towards (Some named Christine from out West). At last the day of reckoning is at hand, tomorrow I will set out to find this 'Christine' and fullfil my SGO destiny.

Have a good night everyone!

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