Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Trev for Dummies

So a short time ago I figured out what's wrong with the world. I was strolling around the bookstore and I happened to see a combination of two books in a row. The first one was "Religion for Dummies" and the second was "The Complete Idiots Guide to Sex." The epiphany caused by this combination hit me in a similar fashion to the impact of my roommate tackling me to the floor seconds before he tore my phone in half a fortnight ago. I very abruptly realized that where humanity has gone wrong is in it's acceptance of ignorance and idiocy.
Why has religion caused so much death and so many conflicts? Because people are stupid.
Why are so many relationships messed up, and why is sex a taboo and controversial topic when it's so much of our everyday being? Because people are stupid.
We're actually publishing books to encourage complete morons to fuck each other over (pardon the expression) with sex and judge each other based on radical religious beliefs. I have often said that I will not judge a person without knowing more, it's always been my opinion that we should give people a chance and care enough to step into their shoes. But so many people in the world just can't be bothered, they would rather be ignorant. I think I might consider publishing a line of books for more careful and thoughtful people, perhaps I'll call it "________ for people who give a rats ass"

I will share this, I thought of a much cheaper joke for this, and was considering making it the post, just bringing up the Complete Idiots Guide to Sex and stating that dumb people should not reproduce. But that's cruel, so I'm just putting it as this adendum so that you know I'm not serious.

Or am I?

No, I'm really not.


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