Thursday, January 11, 2007

Overrun by bandits

The past couple of months have been challenging. To say that I've been short of money is akin to saying that Stephen Hawking has a modicum of difficulty going one on one with Shaq these days. I've held a job for over 3 months without being paid due to my lack of identification, my final check from my last job got lost in the mail, and to top it off I've had difficulty recovering funds lost due to a stolen checkbook. I've had other problems, but these are the ones which I feel stand out most to the public. My other major public problem came in the fact that I wasn't signed up for classes and had been mistakenly removed from the records system at Temple. Wubbos.
In the past week I have gotten the majority of this sorted out, 2 weeks from now I should receive a nice sized paycheck from Barnes and Noble, in another 2 weeks I should receive the final check from my other job, and I signed up for classes 3 days ago. I've had some time to think lately while doing various tasks at Barnes and Noble, I'm very much in love with the notion of repetitive manual labor as meditation by the way. The past few months have definitely been much more interesting without any money, I've also found that when I don't have any money most of my other problems dissappear. Girl problems have been at an all time low, I've been applying myself with my writing a lot more, although to be honest that has really waned lately. I'm actually looking for someone to help me out in that sense, just to read the stuff I write, criticize and prod me to continue. I suppose what I'm really looking for is a friend who can act as my editor, only I wouldn't pay them.
But back to my original point, most of my other problems have dissappeared while I've had no money, and it got me thinking about the roots of our problems. When it comes down to it almost every problem I've ever had can be found rooted inside myself. Overthinking, overanalyzing, overreacting, all of these things stem from a boredom, from an idle mind and too much time on one's hands. Whenever there's a single defined problem or task to accomplish, other problems fade to the background and sort themselves out, or even cease to exist. With this in mind I'm wondering if perhaps I would be better off continuing with my financial problems rather than trading them in for social ones. I've always been comfortable with financial difficulty, to be honest I really don't even believe in it, I'm confident that finances will not be the death of me and I've always posessed the bravado and ingenuity to obtain the things I desire without having any money. In contrast social problems are my crippling downfall. I spent the better part of last semester in a bottle after getting dicked around by a girl (This terminology is actually completely false, as stated before practically all problems are self-inflicted, but it sounds better to say that you are drinking your way to oblivion for love or romance or some crap than just saying 'I was drinking because I was a fuckup'), in the end it caused me to lose my scholarship and not take classes this semester passed. Remembering back to those days I can't help but think that not being able to go to the movies weekly isn't so bad.
So.....In light of this I have come up with a solution, as soon as I get paid I'm going to do several things first, purchase an xbox 360. Second, buy gifts for some people I really care about, third , take a bum out to dinner, Fourth, buy a dozen cases of beer, fifth, I dunno.....but pretty much the point is I need to get rid of this money and fast. This post is pretty poorly structured, but oh well. Tomorrow I will being with a new segment of this blog, a segment entitled "Teatime with Trev" which I think it appropriate since that's the name of the overall blog it's contained within. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Zack Cyphers said...

I want to know some things, my friend.
First, do you really intend to take a bum to dinner? Also, would you like a friend to read things you've written? I'm here, and I'm going to be writing a lot this semester because of two writing classes, so we could bounce some ideas off each other. Plus, I've been kinda dry for film ideas lately.